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Tutorial: Chemical Kinetics

To make full use of the pages I have in this section you'll need to have a couple of free web browser plug-ins installed. The images will take you to their respective download pages:

The LiveMath plugin will allow you to view the following workbooks. Additionally, you will be able to interact with them by typing in your own data for analysis.

I've got some help videos in the QuickTime format to show you how to use the LiveMath pages. There are two versions of the video help files available- one with sound and one without. If you don't need to look at the help videos then you won't need the QuickTime plug-in.

This area is very much a work-in-progress so I've set things up in a temporary fashion. I don't yet know what else will be in this tutorial so each page is independent of the others. You'll need to use the "back" button on your browser to get back here since I won't have the typical navigation links available.

I have more information about the QuickTime plugin and the LiveMath plugin on a separate page.

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