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Chemistry and the Citizen:
General Chemistry I:
General Chemistry II:

Available Tutorials

The best way to get the maximum benefit of these tutorials is to have read the appropriate textbook chapter(s) and to have reviewed your lecture notes before attempting any of these tutorials. The idea is to reinforce what you've learned through interactive examples and to then drill you in some quizzes. Make sure you have paper and pencil since many of the quizzes are designed such that you do the work first and then reveal the solutions for comparison.

As of July, 2006, I've been checking the tutorials and making sure they work properly. Safari's popup blocker is a bit more "vigorous" than Firefox and there are also various conflicts between Safari and some of my Javascript. I'm slowly adjusting these pages and quizzes to work properly. Although I'm currently not checking, I will be checking MS Internet Explorer in the future. I'll label the quizzes "checked" once I've done it.

Chemistry and the Citizen

Dimensional Analysis (checked 7/2006)

The Periodic Table (checked 7/2006)

Inorganic Nomenclature (checked 7/2006)

Stoichiometry (fixed 8/7/2006 for Windows IE)

Gas Laws

General Chemistry I

Dimensional Analysis (checked 7/2006)

The Periodic Table (checked 7/2006)

Inorganic Nomenclature (checked 7/2006)

Stoichiometry (fixed 8/7/2006 for Windows IE)

Aqueous Reactions (checked 7/2006)

Atomic and Electronic Structure

Lewis Structures (fixed 8/7/2006 for Windows IE)

Molecular Shapes (fixed 9/1/2006)

Gas Laws

General Chemistry II

Chemical Thermodynamics

Chemical Kinetics

Chemical Equilibrium


Made with CSS Apple Macintosh Macromedia Studio MX updated September 1, 2006 1:29 PM
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