CHEM 1090-General Chemistry I Course Material
Daily Assignments:
January 2020
ES32 TR 2:30-3:50p
February 2020
ES32 TR 2:30-3:50p
March 2020
ES32 TR 2:30-3:50p
April 2020
ES32 TR 2:30-3:50p
Sun |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Sat |
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May 2020
ES32 TR 2:30-3:50p
Sun |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Sat |
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Grade Calculator:
You can use this to estimate your course grade. I provide a lot of grade feedback throughout the quarter so your final course grade should not be a surprise to you. Some students like to get an idea as to what their final course grade might be based on future exam scores which is the main reason why I'm providing this calculator.
Since this is only a tool to estimate your grade, I did not include robust error checking. If you put in crazy information then you'll get a crazy result!
Important: This does not work since I have changed the grading scheme for the summer quarter.